Digital Passport FAQ

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Who do I contact for technical support?

If you need assistance or support, we’re here to help! For the fastest and most efficient service, please fill out our online support form at this link.

What is the cost to my students and my school?

There is no cost for schools during the free pilot. Students are always free.

How will my students information be shared and protected?

Student information is not shared unless the student is over 18 or opts in to sharing. In line with our commitment to privacy, we do not share, sell, rent, or trade personal information with third parties for their own promotional purposes. This ensures that Personal Data is used only in ways that are compatible with your expectations and in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

What is the Master Subscription Agreement (MSA) and where can I find it?

The Master Subscription Agreement (MSA) is a comprehensive contract that outlines the terms and conditions of our subscription-based services, including but not limited to, the use of our software, FERPA, access rights, payment terms, renewal policies, and our responsibilities to you, the subscriber. This agreement is essential for understanding your rights and obligations when using our services. You can review the details of our Master Subscription Agreement by clicking here.

Can my students and/or parents, drop the service at any time?

Students can request to delete their account and information at any time by:
Submitting a Valid Request using the following methods:

What happens to the student data if we drop the service?

In accordance with our Privacy Policy., Student data will be deleted on a request to cancel the account.